How to Keep Your Urinary System Healthy

How to Keep Your Urinary System Healthy

Ensuring that your urinary system is healthy is an important consideration, especially as you approach old age. By adopting the following three simple steps into your everyday life, you can help protect your bladder from common problems, including urinary tract infections, and involuntary urination.

Stay Hydrated

Water is the best fluid for a healthy bladder. There are many different approaches on how much water you should drink per day. We recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which amounts to 2 litres (more commonly known as the 8×8 rule). Of course, some are unable to drink a lot of water due to heart problems and kidney failure. In these situations we advise that you ask your doctor about how much fluid you should have.

If you’re feeling like drinking something else, try juices containing citrus fruits or guava. The vitamin C in these fruits makes urine more alkaline, which ensures that bacteria growth is limited.

Maintain a balanced and healthy diet

A healthy diet can ensure that your bladder is kept in optimum form. In particular, high-fibre foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grain, can prevent a urinary tract infection. The antioxidants contained within these foods may promote the body’s internal mechanisms from defending against infections. Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables like asparagus, berries, watermelon and eggplant assist in the purification of the kidney. Cabbage, cauliflower, kale and sprouts, are excellent ways to lower the risk of bladder cancer.

Proteins and meaty foods should be kept to a minimum, especially as one approaches old age, because they may lead to the development of kidney stones. Proteins tend to overwork renal functions, predicating urinary problems.

It is important to note that not all plant-based foods are ideal. Cashews and peanuts, which have a high content of oxalic acid, are avoidable because they may put the kidneys at risk of calcium oxolate kidney stones.


Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle may ensure that any urinary problems are kept at bay. Kegel exercises ensure that urine is held in the bladder. Performing these movements daily can strengthen the crucial muscles that prevent urine from leaking when you laugh, cough, sneeze or feel an urge to go to the bathroom. Importantly, it can improve a person’s ability to commence or cease their urine stream.

Before attempting these exercises it is important to identify the muscles involved. In preparing to urinate, consider tightening muscles that stop the urine stream. Be mindful that no other muscles are being tightened. Consider the sensation of floor muscles drawing your pelvis inward, ceasing the stream of urine. Once this identification process is complete, one may focus on performing Kegel exercises twice per day.

Given there are many possible causes of problems with a person’s urine system, the treatments are highly varied. However, if you suspect that you have symptoms, please do not hesitate to contact your urological specialist.

Dr Arianayagam is a highly skilled urological surgeon who treats many urological illnesses, including cancers and other disorders of the urinary system and is widely considered one of the top urological oncologists in Australia.

If you have any questions, or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact or call Dr Arianayagam’s office on 1300 307 990 and his staff will be able to assist.

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