Focal therapy is a minimally invasive treatment for prostate cancer that aims to destroy cancerous tissue while preserving healthy prostate tissue.
This emerging approach offers a middle ground between traditional treatments like radical prostatectomy and active surveillance.
Suitable Candidates
Focal therapy is ideal for patients with localized, low-to-intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Advanced imaging techniques like MRI enable doctors to precisely identify cancerous areas, making targeted treatment possible.
Treatment Methods
Common focal therapy methods include:
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)
Cryotherapy (freezing cancer cells)
Laser ablation
Focal therapy offers several advantages, including:
Reduced risk of side effects like incontinence and erectile dysfunction
Preservation of healthy prostate tissue
Improved quality of life
Important Considerations
While focal therapy shows promise, it’s still a relatively new approach, and long-term outcomes are being studied. It may not be suitable for all patients, particularly those with aggressive or widespread cancers.
Expert Care
Dr. Arianayagam, a highly experienced urologist in Sydney, specialises in prostate surgery, including robotic radical prostatectomy. With over 300 robotic cases performed, he is a qualified proctor for Device Technologies, teaching other surgeons to use the Da Vinci Robotic System.
Book an Appointment
If you have questions about prostate surgery or would like to schedule an appointment, contact Urology Specialist today here.
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