Decoding Hematuria: Unraveling the Mystery of Blood in Urine

Decoding Hematuria: Unraveling the Mystery of Blood in Urine

Blood in the urine can be caused by several different issues, ranging from strenuous exercise to kidney disease or bladder stones.

There are several reasons for blood being present in the urine (hematuria). Many of these are benign and should not be a cause for distress. However, everyone should be evaluated as it can be an indicator for a more serious issue.


Causes for blood in the urine include the following:

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system, caused by bacteria that has entered the urinary tract. UTIs are painful and annoying, and if left untreated, they can do serious damage to your kidneys.

Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis)

A kidney infection is technically a urinary tract infection. It can occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract via the urethra and makes its way to the kidneys where it multiplies.


Urinary bleeding may be a symptom of advanced prostate cancer, bladder cancer or kidney cancer. While this is unlikely, it’s still a possibility, so ensure you seek medical attention as soon as you can.

Bladder Stones or Kidney Stones

Kidney stones and bladder stones are hard, solid crystals of various sizes formed from urine salts. Larger stones can be excruciating when passed and can cause bleeding in the urinary tract.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – Enlarged Prostate

As men get older, the prostate can enlarge, restricting the flow of urine to the urethra. It can also cause blood to pass into the urine.

Kidney Disease or Kidney Trauma

Urinary bleeding is commonly a symptom of kidney disease or can result from kidney trauma, such as a heavy blow to the organ from sports or an accident.

Strenuous Exercises

Very strenuous exercise may result in traces of blood being found in the urine, though it is unsure why.

Treating Blood In The Urine With Urology Specialist

Dr Arianayagam is a highly skilled urological surgeon who treats cancers and other disorders of the urinary system.

After training in NSW further training in Urologic Oncology, he was undertaken at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He completed a two-year fellowship accredited by the Society of Urologic Oncology.

The evaluation includes a check inside the bladder (cystoscopy) where a fine telescope is introduced via the water pipe (urethra), urine testing looking for abnormal cells, and a scan of the kidneys.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact or call Dr Arianayagam’s office on 1300 307 990 and his staff will be able to assist.

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