Essential Tips for Maintaining Healthy, Fertile Sperm: A Complete Guide

Essential Tips for Maintaining Healthy, Fertile Sperm: A Complete Guide

Keeping fertile is crucial for successful conception, but what factors contribute to the continuing health of sperm? Read on for a guide to healthy fertile sperm.

Healthy sperm is essential not only for conception but also for the ongoing health of the baby. A third of all reproductive issues are attributed to male fertility issues, so for men planning on conceiving, they must keep their sperm healthy.

But what determines healthy sperm, and what can be done to make sure your swimmers stay in tip-top shape?

What Determines Healthy Sperm?

When determining healthy sperm, three main factors are taken into consideration: Quantity, movement, and structure or morphology. A male is considered fertile if his sperm is beneficial in these categories and is determined by the following factors:

• If there are over 15 million sperm per millilitre
• 40% of sperm are strong swimmers
• Sperm must-have oval heads and long tails for propulsion

Keep Cool

Increased scrotal temperature can have an inverse effect on sperm production. Taking measures like wearing loose-fitting underwear, reducing time seated, avoiding warm baths and saunas and using your laptop on a table can go a long way to boost sperm production.

plant based diet for urlogical health


Like most aspects of life, diet plays a significant role in sperm health. Certain vitamins and minerals provide the building blocks for sperm production, and keeping your body nourished in the right ways will give you the vitality to produce healthy sperm. Here are some key nutrients that you should be eating for healthy sperm:

• Vitamin B-12 protects sperm from inflammation, oxidative stress from free radicals. This vitamin is found in meat, fish and dairy.
• Vitamin C helps keep your sperm count high, so be sure to be stocked up in oranges, berries, tomatoes and spinach.
• Lycopene is responsible for red pigmentation in foods such as watermelon and tomatoes and can reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS), damaging DNA and hurting sperm.
• Folic acid is important for developing healthy sperm, and links have been found that those who have lower levels of the nutrient have higher rates of abnormal chromosome development.
• Zinc and Selenium are important for sperm quality and mobility. Zinc-rich foods include dark chicken meat, baked beans, oysters and lean beef. Foods rich in selenium are eggs, meat, fish, bread and nuts.

keeping cool and healthy


Exercise keeps you fit and helps to keep hormones and endorphins flowing, which can improve your mood as well as your sperm production and quality. Links have been found between a high body mass index (BMI) and poor semen quality, and it is widely known that being overweight can affect testosterone production. Exercise is also an excellent way to curb stress, which in itself can increase abnormal sperm counts and reduce sperm concentration. Just be sure to avoid long-distance cycling, as extended exposure to bicycle seats has been linked to lower sperm count.

Watch Your Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption

Alcohol can harm sperm count and can cause unhealthy development. However, men don’t have to give up their favourite beverage completely. Instead, it’s recommended that men limit consumption to 5 standard units a week to give their sperm the best chance of forming.

Men who are planning to have children should be mindful of their caffeine consumption. Links between high caffeine consumption and reduced sperm count have been found in those who drink more than two cups of coffee a day.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking cigarettes is detrimental to just about all parts of the body, and sperm health is no exception. Cigarettes can create slow-moving sperm and can cause sperm count to drop. It’s recommended that men quit smoking three months before they plan to conceive to give their sperm the best chance possible.

Pre-conception Checkup

If you are unsure about the health of your sperm, it’s recommended that you get a thorough checkup before trying to conceive. A pre-conception checkup will check body mass index, fertility and include a comprehensive health screening. It’s also important to discuss any medications that are used, lifestyle factors and genetic disorders or history that may affect conception or the health of the future baby.

Want to book a checkup?

Dr Arianayagam is an expert in the field of urology and is widely considered one of the top urological oncologists in Australia.

If you have any questions about how to maintaining healthy sperm or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact or call Dr Arianayagam’s office on 1300 307 990 and his staff will be able to assist.

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