Understanding Adrenalectomy: A Comprehensive Guide to Surgical Removal of Adrenal Glands with Urology Specialist Dr. Mohan Arianayagam

Understanding Adrenalectomy: A Comprehensive Guide to Surgical Removal of Adrenal Glands with Urology Specialist Dr. Mohan Arianayagam

An adrenalectomy is a surgical procedure to remove either one or both of the adrenal glands, which are located just above the kidneys.

Keeping you in the know, it’s time to talk about everything adrenalectomy. Naturally, this begins with understanding the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are small organs that secrete hormones – such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, androgens, estrogens, aldosterone, and cortisol – which help regulate a range of bodily functions like your immune system, blood sugar levels, blood pressure control, and metabolism.

Adrenalectomies are commonly used to treat benign or cancerous tumours in the adrenal gland. Other reasons may include excessive secretion of a hormone that can cause harmful side effects.

Understanding Adrenalectomy: A Comprehensive Guide to Surgical Removal of Adrenal Glands with Urology Specialist Dr. Mohan Arianayagam


An adrenalectomy can be performed in two ways. This will depend on what is being treated and your state of health. Urology Specialist Dr. Mohan Arianayagam will be happy to discuss what treatment is best for you.

The two types of adrenalectomy are:

Open adrenalectomy – An open adrenalectomy is often required when either the adrenal glands or the tumors are abnormally large. In this procedure, a single incision is made either in the abdominal wall just under the ribcage, or the back or sides. The surgeon then disconnects the adrenal gland from the blood vessels and surrounding tissue, removes it via the incision, and closes the wounds.

Laparoscopic adrenalectomy – Laparoscopic adrenalectomies are less invasive than open surgery and as such the recovery time is much quicker. This is where the adrenal glands are removed via several small incisions using fibre-optic technology.

Risks and Side Effects

There are a few risks associated with an adrenalectomy. Just like any major surgery, they may be bleeding, infection, and damage to nearby organs but fortunately, serious complications are uncommon.

Side effects of removing the adrenal gland include major hormone imbalances caused by the surgery. This can in turn cause affect bodily functions like healing, metabolic function, blood pressure levels, and blood sugar levels.

Recovery Time

Recovery after an adrenalectomy is contingent on the patient’s overall health and the type of procedure performed.

Immediately after surgery, patients are taken to recovery and their vital signs are monitored. Once they wake from anaesthesia, they are taken to a regular hospital room.

Pain and numbness at the incision site are common for a period after the surgery.

Recovery times will be different for each patient and the procedure. Patients who have had laparoscopic surgery will usually stay in the hospital for 2-3 nights while those who have had open surgery stay for 5-7 nights. Heavy lifting and other strenuous activities are discouraged for up to 6 weeks and driving is discouraged for up to 2 weeks. However, light activities and return to work are recommended whenever the patient feels up to it.

Understanding Adrenalectomy: A Comprehensive Guide to Surgical Removal of Adrenal Glands with Urology Specialist Dr. Mohan Arianayagam

About Dr. Mohan Arianayagam – Urology Specialist

We are experts in the field of adrenalectomy, so you can have peace of mind. In particular, Dr. Arianayagam specialises in laparoscopic adrenalectomy.

After initial training in General Surgery at Royal North Shore hospital, his urology training began in 2006 at Port Macquarie Hospital, Westmead, and then Prince of Wales Hospital. During this time Dr. Arianayagam had significant exposure to laparoscopic surgery and was soon able to perform many laparoscopic procedures.

While completing his Urologic Oncology fellowship at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine there was also significant exposure to more laparoscopic surgery and it was during this time that Dr. Arianayagam also honed his skills further.

He routinely performs the entire breadth of laparoscopic surgery ranging from total to partial kidney removal (nephrectomy) as well as all aspects of adrenal surgery.

Get in touch

If you have any further questions regarding adrenalectomy or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact Urology Specialist here. Dr. Arianayagam will be more than happy to help.

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